Using a proxy with JAX-RS on Jakarta/Java EE and JBoss EAP 7.2 / Wildfly 17

Lately I came across the problem that I needed to call some REST resources from within an Jakarta EE 7 application running on a JBoss EAP 7.2 application server inside a company network. For this purpose proxies are used to permit access to specific URLs but block all other request to foreign servers due to security policies. However, the obvious ways to make JAX-RS use a proxy wouldn’t work.

Auditing executed actions

Adabas | Auditing an Adabas Database

Due to regulatory requirements, there is an increasing need to log the actions of users. Critical actions might even need to be checked for correctness. This article shows how such auditing of actions in an Adabas database can look like. Therefore, the logs produced by Adabas will be transformed into human readable log files. Afterwards they will be sent to an Elasticsearch or OpenSearch cluster for further processing.

User Login Screen

Java EE & Keycloak | Secure your application with Keycloak

When developing a new application, user management is usually required as well. To relieve the developers of this task in Java EE application, Keycloak is offered as an identity and access management solution. Assuming that the Keycloak server is already prepared accordingly, I will show below how the interaction with an application server can succeed.


ArchUnit | Überprüfen der Architektur in Java-Anwendungen

Ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Entiwcklung einer Anwendung ist das automatisierte Testen. Hierfür wurden verschiedenste Framworks entwickelt, um neben einfachen Unit-Tests noch weitere Komponenten untersuchen zu können, beispielsweise durch Mocking oder Stubbing. In diesem Artikel möchte ich eine Bibliothek vorstellen, mit der die gesamte Architektur einer Anwendung geprüft werden kann: ArchUnit.


SSO | Single Sign-On using Apache, Kerberos and Jakarta EE

At my working place I had the task to develop an Jakarta EE web application where LDAP users from the company can log in and do some stuff. This article is not about what the app was capable of but about the SSO authentication part. One requirement was that the users do not have to log in independently, but that this happens automatically in the background. In the following I would like to explain how I have achieved this.

Raspberry wird als verfügbares Gerät in Spotify angezeigt

Raspotify | Use a Raspberry as a Spotify Connect Client

Since my Raspberry is standing around relatively unused at home, I am constantly looking for ideas to use it sensibly. Then I had the idea to connect the Raspberry to my boxes in my room and use it as a Spotify Connect Client. This allows me to listen to music via the system without having to connect my mobile phone directly to it.


Datenschutz Grundverordnung Symbolbild

Die DSGVO | Was habe ich unternommen?

Ab dem 25. Mai 2018 wird die neue europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, kurz auch DSGVO, gültig. Im Rahmen dessen habe ich einige Anpassungen vorgenommen, um den Anforderungen hoffentlich gerecht zu werden.

Aufgaben auf einem Zettel und in einer App

Verwalten von Aufgaben

Bei mir war es immer so eine nicht ganz ausgereifte Sache, wie ich meine offenen Aufgaben geregelt habe. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich aber eine zumindest für mich zufriedenstellende Lösung gefunden.


Foto von der Übersichtseite der Wordpress Plugins

WordPress-Plugins | Welche nutze ich?

Ein Vorteil von WordPress gegenüber anderen Content Management Systemen sind die vielen, oft auch kostenfreien Plugins. Für meine Installation habe ich aktuell keine kostenpflichtigen Plugins heruntergeladen. Um welche es sich dabei handelt, stelle ich in diesem Artikel vor.


The APEX login screen

Authorization in Oracle APEX with LDAP groups

A while ago I was part of a project team with the task to intodruce Oracle Application Express in our company. This tool is used to simply present database querys graphically in a browser application. While most installation and administration steps are well documented, we couldn’t find anything to have an authorization within an APEX app based on LDAP groups. And that’s why I want to present with which solution we came up. In this article I’m referring to APEX in version 5.1.
